Dear Crossroads Community,

In 1993, the year that it opened, I visited the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, D.C. I remember the anger I felt as I walked the halls. The horrific photos, the grim statistics and the first-person stories that I read gave necessary information and context to my study as a historian and to my understanding of humanity. In one room, there is a display of 4,000 shoes, representing the millions of Jewish lives lost during the Holocaust. The exhibit had a profound impact on me. It is haunting and it has never left me. 

This past weekend in Los Angeles, a white supremicist hate group displayed antisemitic signs over a 405 overpass and raised their arms in Nazi salutes. One sign asserted “Kanye is right about the Jews,” aligning the group with the hateful language of Kanye West, who recently began spewing antisemitic conspiracy theories in interviews and on social media. In addition, antisemitic flyers were distributed in parts of the city.

Crossroads School condemns all forms of antisemitism. We stand in alliance with our Jewish brothers and sisters against this hate. In fact, we know that there has been a rise in antisemitic incidents in the U.S. in recent years, increasing by 34% in 2021 alone, according to the Anti-Defamation League. 

Given these developments, we are planning two education opportunities for Middle and Upper School students to discuss the terrible history of antisemitism worldwide and reinforce each student’s responsibility to stand up against hate.

Recently, our Upper School’s Jewish Student Union, Black and Jewish Alliance, and Black Student Union clubs met to discuss this topic. They have decided to issue a joint statement. The statement reads: 
The Crossroads student community consists of a diverse combination of individuals. Though we come from different backgrounds, we believe that it is paramount to celebrate our respective cultures and heritages. We are aware of the recent rise in antisemitism following the hateful statements issued by Kanye West. Further, we acknowledge the irreparable harm caused by dishonorable individuals attempting to demolish unity between our historically marginalized communities.
Antsemitism has no place here at Crossroads and we will continue to uplift and support each other indefinitely. We will not be divided by this incident, and our respective groups are actively working to provide support and education for our respective communities. As an act of unification, we encourage students within the Black and Jewish community to attend the Black and Jewish Alliance. We are holding space for all students this Thursday, Oct. 27, in O’Keefe during lunch, to further process and discuss these events as a community.
Thank you,
Jewish Student Union, Black and Jewish Alliance, Black Student Union
Eli Horwitch and Jonah Mannheim - JSU
Christine Kivi and Ella Grossman - BJA
Cole Hoegl and Tiffani Williams - BSU 

Crossroads will continue to celebrate our many diverse communities with a focus on respect, cooperation and compassion. 

Mariama Richards P’35
Interim Head of School
Crossroads School for Arts & Sciences 
1714 21st Street | 1715 Olympic Boulevard | Santa Monica, CA 90404 | 310-829-7391